My Grandbaby is adorable

As the title inferred I am obsessed with the grandbaby. She is so smart and adorable. Megan is almost 6 months...well tomorrow she will be. We absolutely adore her. I got her a ball that is made out of the same kinda material as the gellee shoes from the 80's. It is basicallt a bunch if holes in the shape of a ball ha ha. Anyway she would try to chew on it and when it wouldn't go in her mouth she would bang it against me like that would fix it and then she would try again. She gets that from me. If it's broken and you hit it against soemthing it might just fix it ha ha. Anyway, then shewas laying on the bed with me last night and she was giggling up a storm so I decided to take a video for the girls. She would stop even smiling for me as soon as I turned the phone on. She is just to smart for her own britches ha ha. She has also figured out how to roll over even when I have her sitting up in the middle of all my pillows. Like I said smartesr baby ever...Anyway didn't really have a lot to say just wanted to brag on Megan...

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