
I feel overwelmed today. Mostly because I can't talk about what's bothering me ha ha. It just isn't my right to be upset, even though I'm going through a hard thing. It's hard to explain and so I will change the subject.
We are praying about moving again. We have two places in mind and not sure which way to go. We have always wanted to go to Portland, but it has never seemed to work out. We are still praying about that but we feel like the lord has put a different place in our hearts. We both thought of Tulsa Oklahoma. I am nervous because I can't breathe in high heat with lots of humidity. My asthma just goes crazy. I actually have a better time here than in any other place I've ever been. Except Washington. In Elma when I visited I had no problems at all and I loved it there, but my husband is nervous about Washington ha ha. He really hasn't been anywhere other than Brewster so it's kinda like a fear of the unknown. He would really like to live closer to the ocean though. He's never seen the Ocean except in Alaska and would love to be closer to it. So I mentioned Texas but once again the high heat and humidity would be bad for me. I'm also nervous about the snakes, bugs, and tornado's in Oklahoma and Texas. I have mentioned moving to the kids, they would love to go to Oregon but also think Okalahoma would be okay. Like I said though we are really praying about it.
On a brighter note, Megan is doing something new almost every day. It is so exciting, I love hearing her coo and try to talk. It is very exciting. She started baby food just a few days ago and it is so cute to watch her. She loves it but also loves to spit it ha ha. I guess most babies do but it's way cuter when you are watching the mom deal with it than when you are the mom dealing with it ha ha. For Valentines day we got her a toy cell phone. I can't say she loved it though. I think we spoil her to much ha ha.
So Sean and Marisela went through and left the flu...ha ha actually litttle bit prolly got it somewhere else cause she just got it yesterday and they've been gone over a week. But little bit got it first again and she doesn't like to be sick especially if she vomits. So we have had a FUN day hee hee.
My older three kids are probably going to join 4-h this year. We are gonna have a lot of fun and I am super excited. We have never done anything like this before. We are just trying to figure out what happens if we move do we transfer or do we have to come back. It'll still be fun though.

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