Loaves and Fishes

Yesterday in church we heard about the loaves and fishes and how Jesus fed the multitude (5000 not counting women and children) with just 5 loaves and 2 fishes. ( Matthew 14:16...) as we were going to the grocery store I really considered this, five loaves of bread and two fishes would not on a normal day feed my family...there are 8 of us...
Anyway, I brought it up to billy and told him I had really considered this and that I didn't think what Jesus fed to the multitude would feed our family.  One of the teens in the back not sure who said we don't know how large the fishes were, and we considered that, it could have been very large fishes but Jesus asked them to bring him a basket so it wasn't like they were whales or anything, they were probably not very large fish.  I thought how we have worried about having enough food before but I never considered this story.  As a kid we were very poor, but I don't remember ever going to bed hungry...not even once.  We always had food, billy says he remembers the same they didn't have a lot but he never went hungry, god always provided.  I realized I need to have more faith sometimes concerning this.  My grocery allowance should be plenty for the month but I get to worrying every month at the end of the month.  We always do fine, but I always worry.  I am resolving to give it to The Lord and no longer worry.
I remember a couple church dinners in palisade that we should not have had enough food to feed the amount of people that were there.  But we prayed and we took home leftovers and everyone was filled.  There is no way that's just a coincidence.  God is good.
Yesterday after church I once again worried about the amount of food but once again everyone was filled and we had leftovers.  I sure love it when my house is filled with company, to hear the kids running and playing..I even enjoy hearing the tattling when it's nothing serious ...these are the sounds of love and family..yesterday was one of those days we had laughter (lots of that) and very good conversations, and more laughter.. Then we took the teenagers skating it was just an amazing day.  I'm so thankful for days like that...

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