Garden oh garden

I got my garden planted yesterday evening. Billy and Daniel were out there helping me, Daniel would bring me the topsy turvy planters and I would fill them with plants. Billy built the frame to hold the topsy turvys and he also filled them with dirt after I put plants in them. Billy really likes the idea of me getting more topsy turvys and planting them. But I worry that it will be too much. I already have five tomato plants and that seems like plenty for my family. I also have two green bean plants and four cucumber plants as well as four cantaloupe and two jalapeƱo ..that seems like a lot to me. Billy hasn't had a great amount of work lately, none yesterday and only a few hours today. It isn't looking good for the rest of this week and next week so prayers would be appreciated. It gets pretty scary especially since we were still catching up after our trip. Also, billy lost a hundred dollars, it seems like when it rains it pours, and its always at least sprinkling at our house. But keeping a smile and seeing the funny side of life helps get us through the storms. Oh yeah we think the electricity is fixed and I'm so thankful. I was really scared we were gonna have a fire but billy made sure all the wires around the plugs and stuff were tight and it fixed it. Hopefully I'm not speaking to soon lol.

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